Sunday Bible Study Forum
Join us Sunday mornings, September Through May, in person or via Zoom for discussion of the Gospel reading for that Sunday.
Confirmation Classes
Confirmation is a three-year process of studying the Small Catechism of Martin Luther and the basics of Christian theology. Classes are targeted for 7-9 graders, but all ages are welcome to join us because we believe we all benefit from sharing our questions and wisdom together. During the school year, Confirmation classes are generally at 12 Noon on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. Please verify with the Pastor.
Daytime Women's Bible Study
Our Women's Bible Study is held on the third Wednesday of the month at 1pm and is led by the Pastor in the Conference Room. Upon request, we will stream on Zoom for any who prefer.
Theology Thursdays and Let's Talk About...
Several times a year, we will have short term or special topical study and discussion groups in hybrid format. In recent years, we've looked at LGBTQ+ inclusion in the Bible, how to live the Fruits of the Spirit, and conversations about racism and abortion. When happening, these are on our church calendar.
Crossings Bible Study
Currently via Zoom – Martin Luther is hosting a Bible study on Wednesdays, from 9:30 to 11:00am. Pastor Steve Kuhl from St. Mark’s Episcopal in South Milwaukee has offered to teach a weekly study of the scriptures using the Crossings method that seeks to “cross” our daily lives with the Law and Gospel of God’s Word, connecting readings to our living. This study is open to the whole community, so invite friends, and pass along the information.